Tag Archives: inspiration

Writers Write II


This one is going to piss a few of you off.

I made peace with that. Understand that this is MY OPINION and you are welcome to disagree with me. Hell you can even completely ignore this entire post. That is your prerogative. Still here? Good. Strap in and lets go. If this one raises your hackles or if you feel the need to illuminate me on the error of my ways…I direct you to the comment section below.

There is no such thing as writer’s block.

Barring depression and or anxiety which are real things and can stand in the way of your writing (and if you suffer from these I strongly urge you to seek medical help) the other reasons that writers come up with to attribute to writer’s block sound like so many excuses.

For every ‘reason’ out there that has stopped a writer, there are countless others who have had the same(or worse) setbacks and have continued to write. It’s time we let go of the crutches and get to walking on our own.

Take ownership of your writing. Stop ascribing near mythical properties to these challenges in your life.

Not enough time? Reevaluate how you spend yours.

Demanding Job? Do what needs to be done then get to writing.

Family responsibilities? Meet your responsibilities and then get to writing.

Death of a loved one? Grieve, grieve some more. Remember that you are still alive and choose life. Use your writing as a catharsis if you must, but get back to it.

Lost your desire? Remember why you started writing in the first place… and then start again.

Dont fall into this trap. Dont make excuses. Dont put it off.

Develop the discipline to see it through and FINISH WHAT YOU START.


<rant over>

I’ll leave you with a quote that sums this up for me.

“Write every day, line by line, page by page, hour by hour. Do this despite fear. For above all else, beyond imagination and skill, what the world asks of you is courage, courage to risk rejection, ridicule and failure. As you follow the quest for stories told with meaning and beauty, study thoughtfully but write boldly. Then, like the hero of the fable, your dance will dazzle the world.”
― Robert McKee

Writers Write.

Comments are open if you so feel the need.


Terry Pratchett-Thank you for sharing


My First Pterry book
My First Pterry book

I first met Terry in 2005.  I had never heard of him before and myamazing future wife told me I had to absolutely read him. We shared a common taste in books and I wasn’t reading anything at the time so I said sure. What could be wrong with wizards and fantasy? This is my kind of book.  The stuff  of my childhood i was familiar with. I was in for a rude surprise.

Here was a writer who took the usual tropes and turned them on their head.  In a fresh and creative way Terry  gently shoved me into Discworld.  I met characters I could relate to. Characters who were flawed but didn’t give up.  Terry and I became fast friends.  After going through my wife’s collection I hit my local bookstore and discovered that my new friend Terry had written a few more books. Over 40 more books. Terry and I were going to be amazing friends. Over the next few weeks I bought and read all of his books( this was PK-pre kindle). I had not started writing my own books yet. The idea was still far away, too large, I couldn’t wrap my head around it. Then I met Terry. Out of all my influences(and there are many) Terry looms as one of the largest  because when I thought the concept of writing was too difficult, here was a writer showing me that it could be done in an intelligent, humorous and prolific way.

I cant say when it happened exactly. I know it was early 2010 when I finally chose to put words on paper. It had always been an aspiration. I do know that when I started I had two people next to me my wife and Terry. My wife( who was my first editor and transcriber) was the catalyst that spurred me in her special way. She would ask me questions or create a conversation about my writing, which back in those days I treated like a deep profound secret. She would say things like:: ” Did you write today?” or “Oh that part is great!” The words every beginning writer needs to hear, words of support and encouragement. Terry spoke to me in another way. “Did you do your research? That sentence can be tighter. That character needs to arc differently. That isn’t funny, cut it. Stop trying so hard and let it flow.”

I took my first steps in my life as a writer and haven’t looked back since. I realized something now several books later. Our words have power. I can reach countless people through my books. Writers and artists shape and influence our world and lives. I knew this on a deep level. I knew that the written word has shaped civilization since its inception, but it was something more. I now experienced it. I had people telling me that my book changed their lives. That my words impacted their life. The same way Terry’s words impacted mine.

So I wanted to take this moment to say thank you Terry. Thank you for being who you were. Thank you for taking the risk and sharing your amazing imagination with the world, with me. Thank you for showing me what was and is possible if I dared. I never met Terry personally, but through his books he and I shared many great afternoons laughing and reflecting on the state(and hilarity) of this thing we call life.

If you are reading this and wondering if you should embark on a creative pursuit, whether its writing or painting or anything that calls to you-stop aspiring and do it . Stop dreaming  about it  and take the first step, then another followed by another. I can say with certainty that your life will be transformed.

I enjoy hearing from you! Who was your inspiration? What got you started? Or why haven’t you started?

Share in the comments below!

My Terry Shelf
My Terry Shelf





