Category Archives: books

Words as Art

words are art
words are art

I have been swamped with edits and all of the other details that  involve getting a book out in the world. At times this process is equal parts exhilarating and mind numbing. There are times when I question the sanity of what I have chosen to do with all these ideas and stories inside my head. Then I remember my daughter’s words.

A while back I asked her what she thought about writing.  Not my writing specifically, just writing in general. She gave this question some serious thought. I could tell because she became quiet and sat next to me for  a short while. Then she had her answer. “Words are art,” she proclaims as if it is a self evident truth that everyone knows.  Of course I had no idea what she meant so I asked her. This is her explanation as close to verbatim as I can recall: Words are art because when you write you create pictures in your brain. These are not like the pictures you can draw with crayons or markers, but pictures in your head. That means that when you use words its just like art and that means that writers are artists.

So whenever I feel like this writing thing I’m doing  is threatening to implode the few working brain cells I have left I remember these words uttered by my sage six year old. I am an artist and I am busy creating, Sometimes that creating is hard, but most of the time its an amazing ride. Words are art.blogdragonfly

Today is the Day!

Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015
Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015

To celebrate the launch of Book 3 The Fallen Warrior.

You have waited until the last day. You have planned and thought it through. Truly you have made a wise choice in getting The Spiritual Warriors TODAY the LAST day it is FREE!


If you have a copy then please spread the word!

Share the good news with your friends and help them get a copy also!

Come join Dante and the Warriors on this martial arts thrill ride!

Get your copy now! Tell your friends! Join the Warriors!

While you’re there please be kind enough to pick up books 2&3.

Also we authors love reviews. They help us sell books. Please be generous and leave one for any of the books you purchase.

Have a fantastic 4th of July!!

WOTW book 2 Digital jpeg
The Ascendants
Warriors of the Way Book 3
The Fallen Warrior

Huge thank you  to all of you!

I enjoy hearing from you leave me your thoughts in the comments! Dont forget to join the Nascent Novel Nation email list!


Warriors Embrace Fear

Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015
Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015

To celebrate the launch of Book 3 The Fallen Warrior.

It is not that Warriors are fearless. Its that they act in spite of any fear they may feel.

Just like you have gotten a copy of The Spiritual Warrior! I commend you on your wise choice!


Come join Dante and the Warriors on this martial arts thrill ride!

Get your copy now! Tell your friends! Join the Warriors!

While you’re there please be kind enough to pick up books 2&3.

Also we authors love reviews. They help us sell books. Please be generous and leave one for any of the books you purchase.

WOTW book 2 Digital jpeg
The Ascendants
Warriors of the Way Book 3
The Fallen Warrior

A huge thank you  to all of you! I enjoy hearing from you leave me your thoughts in the comments! Dont forget to join the Nascent Novel Nation!


The Warriors Summon You! Book One Free!

Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015
Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015

To celebrate the launch of Book 3 The Fallen Warrior.

The promotion has begun and warriors are needed. Are you BRAVE enough?  DARING enough? Pick up a FREE copy of The Spiritual Warriors today!

For a limited time ONLY!

From June 30th -July 4th!

Come join Dante and the Warriors on this martial arts thrill ride!

Get your copy now! Tell your friends! Join the Warriors!

While you’re there please be kind enough to pick up books 2&3.

Also we authors love reviews. They help us sell books. Please be generous and leave one for any of the books you purchase.

WOTW book 2 Digital jpeg
The Ascendants
Warriors of the Way Book 3
The Fallen Warrior

A huge thank you  to all of you! I enjoy hearing from you leave me your thoughts in the comments! Dont forget to join the Nascent Novel Nation!


Join the Warriors! Book 1 Free!

Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015
Spiritual Warriors Revised 2015

To celebrate the launch of Book 3 The Fallen Warrior..

The Spiritual Warriors is FREE!

For a limited time ONLY!

From June 30th -July 4th!

Come join Dante and the Warriors on this martial arts thrill ride!

Get your copy now! Tell your friends! Join the Warriors!

While you’re there please be kind enough to pick up books 2&3.

Also we authors love reviews. They help us sell books. Please be generous and leave one for any of the books you purchase.

WOTW book 2 Digital jpeg
The Ascendants
Warriors of the Way Book 3
The Fallen Warrior









A huge thank you  to all of you! I enjoy hearing from you leave me your thoughts in the comments! Dont forget to join the Nascent Novel Nation!



Story by McKee How Screenwriting can help you

Story by Robert McKee
Story by Robert McKee

I used to own this book as a paperback and it was a beast to carry around. I have a good friend Jean, who was just breaking into screen writing about the same time I started The Spiritual Warriors. I gave it to him as a gift thinking “Why would i need a book on screen writing when I’m going to write novels?” I have learned a bit since then.

Screenwriters hone their craft BEFORE they begin getting into their field. Unlike many of us  writers who  prefer to accumulate stacks of rejection letters as some kind of badge of honor. I never enjoyed rejection letters and I got a few before going the indie author/ authorpreneur route. I did however learn some things. I needed to get better- much better, I needed an editor and I needed to get serious about honing my skills and learning my craft before putting my books out there.

So here I am coming back full circle with this book almost four years and five books later. This time I picked it up as a kindle read (much easier to carry around). I have also learned to view film as condensed labs for my writing. Yes in some cases it has ruined movie viewing for me on so many levels. While others are just enjoying the film I’m thinking to myself “Is that the inciting incident?” “That was a great opening hook!” or “That could have been better used later in the story.” “That was definitely third act material, too early.”

The transformation of my movie going experience aside, reading about screenwriting has strengthened my writing and I recommend picking up this book or Syd Field’s Screenplay as a view into a different type of writing that can strengthen your novel writing.

However if there is only one book you can get on screenwriting and more importantly storytelling, since we are all at our cores storytellers- Get Robert McKee’s book, Story. You wont regret it.

Let me know what you think? Did you get it? Do you own it? What are your thoughts on this book? Do you have other suggestions besides this one? Drop me a line in the comments below! I enjoy hearing from you.blogdragonfly

Terry Pratchett-Thank you for sharing


My First Pterry book
My First Pterry book

I first met Terry in 2005.  I had never heard of him before and myamazing future wife told me I had to absolutely read him. We shared a common taste in books and I wasn’t reading anything at the time so I said sure. What could be wrong with wizards and fantasy? This is my kind of book.  The stuff  of my childhood i was familiar with. I was in for a rude surprise.

Here was a writer who took the usual tropes and turned them on their head.  In a fresh and creative way Terry  gently shoved me into Discworld.  I met characters I could relate to. Characters who were flawed but didn’t give up.  Terry and I became fast friends.  After going through my wife’s collection I hit my local bookstore and discovered that my new friend Terry had written a few more books. Over 40 more books. Terry and I were going to be amazing friends. Over the next few weeks I bought and read all of his books( this was PK-pre kindle). I had not started writing my own books yet. The idea was still far away, too large, I couldn’t wrap my head around it. Then I met Terry. Out of all my influences(and there are many) Terry looms as one of the largest  because when I thought the concept of writing was too difficult, here was a writer showing me that it could be done in an intelligent, humorous and prolific way.

I cant say when it happened exactly. I know it was early 2010 when I finally chose to put words on paper. It had always been an aspiration. I do know that when I started I had two people next to me my wife and Terry. My wife( who was my first editor and transcriber) was the catalyst that spurred me in her special way. She would ask me questions or create a conversation about my writing, which back in those days I treated like a deep profound secret. She would say things like:: ” Did you write today?” or “Oh that part is great!” The words every beginning writer needs to hear, words of support and encouragement. Terry spoke to me in another way. “Did you do your research? That sentence can be tighter. That character needs to arc differently. That isn’t funny, cut it. Stop trying so hard and let it flow.”

I took my first steps in my life as a writer and haven’t looked back since. I realized something now several books later. Our words have power. I can reach countless people through my books. Writers and artists shape and influence our world and lives. I knew this on a deep level. I knew that the written word has shaped civilization since its inception, but it was something more. I now experienced it. I had people telling me that my book changed their lives. That my words impacted their life. The same way Terry’s words impacted mine.

So I wanted to take this moment to say thank you Terry. Thank you for being who you were. Thank you for taking the risk and sharing your amazing imagination with the world, with me. Thank you for showing me what was and is possible if I dared. I never met Terry personally, but through his books he and I shared many great afternoons laughing and reflecting on the state(and hilarity) of this thing we call life.

If you are reading this and wondering if you should embark on a creative pursuit, whether its writing or painting or anything that calls to you-stop aspiring and do it . Stop dreaming  about it  and take the first step, then another followed by another. I can say with certainty that your life will be transformed.

I enjoy hearing from you! Who was your inspiration? What got you started? Or why haven’t you started?

Share in the comments below!

My Terry Shelf
My Terry Shelf







Book Marketing 101

Book Marketing
Book Marketing

I recently finished Martin Crosbie’s book on marketing an eBook. In an effort to share the tools and knowledge I acquire I suggest you read this book. Its full of insight and practical steps you can take to get your book out there.  Martin writes in a clear and concise style and provides real direction for those of us new to the self-publishing world.  It may contain some things you know, but I guarantee it will have tools and methods you can use.  In the near future I will be adding an Author Tools tab to the page to provide links and sites you can use to help you get your book out there and to find other writers you can join.blogdragonfly

My First Book Trailer

This is my first book trailer using a great program called animoto. I wanted a way to showcase the great covers on the new books.  All the covers were done by Derek Murphy over at creativindie.

Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing your thoughts or ideas on how it could be better!  Drop me a note in the comments below and don’t forget  to join the newsletter I really appreciate it.blogdragonfly

The Fallen Warrior-Cover Reveal

Book3 smallI promised you a cover reveal and  here it is! This is another great cover by the talented Derek Murphy over at  creativindiecovers.

He does excellent work. This book is  currently in final edits and will be released soon. Book 4 is in the works and is slated for the middle of the year.

Hope you enjoy it!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Dont forget to join the nascent novel nation and subscribe to the newsletter!blogdragonfly