Category Archives: martial arts

Diligent Practice

During one of the karate classes I teach as we were going over basics I was asked by student, ” Why do we have to do these things over and over?” It was actually a very good question and from the perspective of a student how many times do I need to learn how to punch and kick and throw a person before I learn it. Why do it hundreds, thousands of times?
One of the reasons we practice , be it martial arts or really anything that we enjoy is to become better at what we do. In the case of martial arts we practice the techniques so they become second nature to us. We are constant teaching our bodies and brains that this is how we punch or kick and the body remembers this with practice. In other endeavors, lets say playing an instrument, it is practice that determines how well you excel with your chosen instrument.

The key thing about practice is that many times we just want to do something in order to be busy. Practice is not easy and is very rarely enjoyable. When we practice diligently we must practice those things that we are not good at in order to improve them. This is usually the opposite of what we do since we all like to the things we are good at. That is not what practice is for. In our times of practice we have to stretch ourselves and enter those areas where our performance is lacking and work and polish there. This means hours upon hours of hard work while seeing little result, this is why it must be diligent practice. When you practice make the practice itself the goal. work on improving the areas that you would normally avoid working on. It is this kind of practice that will give you the most benefit.

strong spirit- strong mind-strong body

Sensei Orlando

Why study a martial art?

Many of us undertake the study of a marital art with a preconceived notion in our heads. Some are looking for discipline others are looking for confidence, still others are seeking a form of defending themselves. I want to suggest that while you may go in with any or all of these ideas into the study of a martial art, you may be surprised to find that they are all what would be considered secondary effects to the training that is martial arts.
When you diligently study and train, it requires discipline, like any endeavor that takes time to achieve or accomplish. And so discipline is cultivated, honed and forged into the character of the student. Likewise with confidence, executing techniques in front of a mirror, be it basics or kata requires little confidence. Change the setting from a mirror to a dojo or to a training hall filled with students and the context can directly influence your performance. “Are they looking at me?” The most obvious answer is – yes. If you are a senior, you are being observed so that the juniors may emulate you. If you are a beginner, you are being observed so that you may be corrected. (This is not to say that seniors don’t need correction, sometimes they need more than the beginners.) The point I’m trying to get across is that if you dislike scrutiny and criticism, practicing a martial art may be something for you to reconsider.
In regards to defending yourself, I hold fast to the position that martial arts are not self defense.
That being said, with enough years of training, certain actions and techniques can become reflexive and lead to a furthering of study as to what may be used for self-defense. Learning the applications of katas (bunkai) can lead to a discovering of techniques that can be used to defend yourself. In many cases though, this is usually a journey undertaken alone or after many years.
So why study a martial art? If I’m not going to get what motivated me to join the art initially why should I study a particular art. Honestly I can say that one of the greatest attributes of martial arts (and I’m not making distinctions here) is that while training you get to discover yourself. No, I don’t mean a trip to nirvana or enlightenment, although I’m certain those are also attainable through martial arts as well as other disciplines. What I’m referring to is that in the process of training you will discover and uncover your character, your strengths and your weaknesses.
What you do when you do discover these aspects of yourself is an indicator of your commitment. Do we downplay the weakness and emphasize the strengths? Or do we take a good look at those areas in our training and life where we need to train a little harder, be a little more diligent, have integrity and fulfill our word – first to ourselves and then to others. That is one of the encounters martial arts can provide you, if you are willing to embark on the path.
strong spirit-strong mind-strong body
Sensei Orlando

Are Martial Arts Self Defense?

Many of us are under the impression that martial arts somehow translate into self-defense. My opinion is that martial arts are not self-defense.

What martial arts provide is the training, discipline and exposure to many techniques that, with enough time can comprise a form of self defense. When I say martial arts in this context, I am not referring to any particular martial art. I believe in the old adage, there are no superior martial arts, only martial artists. The reason I bring this topic up is that many schools purport to provide “self defense” and they play on the insecurities of the person considering practicing said martial art. What happens is that self-defense becomes a marketing tool to rope in prospective students.

Now I’m not saying you won’t learn to defend yourself if you practice a martial art. Most martial arts have components of self defense, the issue lies with the timing of when the student is exposed to the application of techniques that would make up a self defense curriculum. Also lacking in most schools (not all) are the other sides to self-defense. The psychological aspect of self defense, the physiological aspects, what happens during an adrenaline dump, what is an OODA loop? These are some of the subjects that a good self defense class should address.

I am learning that the subject of self defense is wide broad and deep. I hope to continue learning so I can share with those I teach.

strong spirit-strong mind-strong body

Sensei Orlando

Martial Arts as Exercise

Why engage in a martial art? Each of us will have a different answer to that question. Some for the discipline, others for the fitness, still others for the aspect of self-defense. Whatever your motivation, it has been shown by numerous studies that martial arts are beneficial as a form of exercise.

Martial arts are more than simply breaking a bunch of bricks and boards with various parts of the body. The Martial Arts are about discipline and balance. They are philosophies in and of themselves which teach good moral character, non-violent attitudes and behavior and spiritual enlightenment, the martial arts proscribe various movements and techniques which emphasize focus and centering by eliminating discriminatory consciousness and merging intention and action into an uninterrupted flow.

Many of the physical benefits of training resemble those achieved by any other form of exercise. A normal training session usually consists of a period of warming up stretching, then training. The exercise one gets from martial arts training improves balance, flexibility, stamina and posture. Weight loss is promoted through extended cardiovascular activity. These are all results of long term martial arts training. There are many different types of martial arts: Karate, Judo, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, TaiChi and many types of KungFu. The list is extensive. Find one you enjoy, if you haven’t engaged in physical activity, get a physician’s clearance and start.


What does it mean to persevere?
According to Webster the answer is: to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counter influences, opposition, or discouragement.
-Perseverance is being committed, working hard,being patient and having endurance.
Perseverance is being able to bear difficulties with a calm demeanor and without complaining.
Perseverance is trying again and again. Another word often used but rarely heard is steadfast, in most cases these two words have similar meanings.

Many times being persevering is confused with being stubborn. The definition of being stubborn is (again according to Webster) : unreasonably or perversely unyielding, difficult to handle, manage, or treat.
As you can see they are very different words with different meanings.

What does it mean to us as martial artists to be persevering?
It means to have an attitude of not quitting, for some it means executing that last pushup when your body says “impossible”, for others it could be training in spite of the difficulties life throws our way. To persevere means to endure and as a martial artist it means to endure patiently and calmly, without grumbling and without protest. It is this attitude that seperates the mature practioner from the beginner. When you adopt this attitude, things stop becoming impossible, obstacles no longer stand in your way and excuses are exposed.

Each day we strive to “make it through”. I suggest we stop trying to make it through like it was a chore. The day, week, month, year and life will continue whether you desire to “make it” or not. For many of us each day is a chore and we awake looking to the end of the day,we start the week thinking about the weekend. When life gets difficult as it sometimes does, we must understand what it means to persevere, to withstand whatever life gives us with calmness and tranquilty. It is that spirit of not quitting, of not giving up no matter what, that we should seek to cultivate daily.

strong spirit-strong mind-strong body

Sensei Orlando


What does it mean to be a sensei? Irrespective of what rank it may define, a sensei at his or her core is a teacher, regardless of rank. When you are a sensei all you can really do is guide a student. True there are fundamentals that must be learned, but after the foundation is set all the teacher really can do is guide. Occasionally I marvel at the importance placed upon rank in the various organizations I have been exposed to. When distilled to its essence, rank only means ” I have been doing this longer than you have.” When that is truly understood, the higher the rank the more indebted the practitioner is to the newer students, the higher the obligation to pass on the knowledge learned and acquired throughout the years. Yet even with this passing of knowledge each student takes his/her own path.

So what makes a good teacher?

A good teacher is flexible – Able to adapt to the changing dynamics of the situation and each individual student.

A good teacher does not impart truth but reveals it for the student to find- They allow the student to make the discoveries necessary to advance along their prospective paths at their own pace.

A good teacher is not a slave to routine– Although a lesson plan may be used a good teacher can change if the situation demands it.

A good teacher does not make clones of him/herself-recognizing the individuality of each student. He does not impose his own will or influence , but rather allows the student to grow and flourish, expressing him/herself.

The ideal teacher shows the student how to think, not what to think.

A good teacher gives due recognition-The good teacher is is plentiful with complements when due and correction when necessary.

I have had the opportunity and good fortune to have excellent teachers in my very short path in the martial way. I have also heard of poor teaching methods and have learned what not to do.

If you are ever given the privilege of teaching, take it as one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a student , regardless of rank, and apply yourself with all sincerity and seriousness to the task. Never forgetting that a few doses of humor can also go a long way.
strong spirit- strong mind- strong body
Sensei Orlando


As I went shopping today with my 68 yr old mom. I found myself at times beginning to lose patience because she would walk slower than I would or because she would go over the same topic several times in the same hour. In one of these moments, I stopped myself and thought “Wait a minute, this is exactly what you learn in the martial arts!” What I’m referring to is respect. In martial arts, you must first and foremost have respect for your elders (sempai) and those who came before you.

In most, if not all, martial arts (I’ve yet to find one where this isn’t true), you will find yourself repeating techniques over and over and over. Each moment you execute a technique it should be like the first time. In essence it is the first time you are doing it, in that moment. If this were applied to our daily lives, we would listen more attentively when being spoken to, we would enjoy each meal as we ate, each day would be full of new and wondrous things.

When we enter the training hall or dojo we bow out of respect, respect for all of those who came before us, those who train with us and those who teach us. This is an attitude that should not be constrained just to a dojo.
strong spirit-strong mind-strong body
Sensei Orlando

Welcome to The Empty Hand

The starting point is emptiness. The old adaqe of the pupil who could not learn because he”knew it all” applies here. When you empty your cup you make space for it to be filled again and again. Each morning we should empty our respective cups, not knowing what life or the day will present to us, we should be open to creating and experiencing new and amazing things, each day.

Why call it The Empty Hand and not “Martial Arts 101” or The Martial Arts Forum? Aside from those names being taken, The Empty Hand embodies the spirit of this blog. I will attempt to bring you ideas from martial arts that we can discuss, apply and integrate into our lives.

When you live the Martial Way, you understand that it is not a sport or hobby, but a way of being.

I do not propose to know it all, and frankly my knowledge of the martial arts may be limited in some areas, and so I empty my cup as I learn and share with each of you. I look forward to hearing and learning from those of you that read these posts.

strong spirit- strong mind- strong body

Sensei Orlando