Category Archives: Uncategorized

Zoya’s lesson for today

Today I had Zoya with me for the afternoon. I had miscalculated how much milk my voracious 4 month old would require and so about 3 hours in I found myself with a very hungry and very loud little girl. The lesson: it doesn't matter if I didn't get the amount of food right, what mattered was meeting her need, in the moment. After she was reunited with her mom ( the source of food, since she is breast feeding) everything was right with the world. She became tranquil, fed a bit and just mellowed out. My being upset wouldn't have changed anything, except perhaps causing me to lose the moment and the lesson. There are times when its the right thing to get upset, this wasn't one of them.
Lesson learned.
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Meditation buddy

I sit every day for 15 minutes. Sometimes more but never less. Today as I sat, my daughter entered the room and inquired what I was up to. I told her. She paused a moment thought about it and then got a pillow and her seal (apparently he needed to sit as well) and sat beside me for 10 minutes. This of course is very unlike her but she stayed still the whole time eyes opening every so often,but maintaining her position. I have to say I was quite impressed.
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I have found that taking the time to sit and breathe is essential. I have also"found" some excellent music for this. I say found, because the music was always present, but like many of these things in my life, they reveal themselves to me when I am ready.

The music is Call of the Mystic by Karunesh.
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Honoring Parents

My son Rey has opted to stay home for the last two days instead of going to camp. We had a serious ( at least he looked serious) discussion about why he wanted to stay. Yesterday it was because he wanted to spend time with Papa(his grandfather). He felt he didn't spend enough time with him(his words not mine)since they are only visiting for a short time. Today there was an urgent need to break in the new chess set, with Papa also said in a very thoughtful tone.
There is a special bond that is created with grandparents. I myself don't recall my grandparents sadly. He is fortunate in that he has his mama and papa.
I think when we have our own children, on a deep level we honor our parents when we foment this bond. There is a special joy in seeing them interact.
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Shotei yummy smoothie

This morning as I arrived from my morning class, my son Rey greets me with his demonstration of shotei. For those who don't practice a martial art shotei is a palm heel strike. He was actually executing very good technique as he followed me into the kitchen. "What are we doing?" Was the question of the morning. "Making a smoothie." I responded. Apparently I was mistaken since my usual morning smoothie has been renamed into the Shotei Yummy Smoothie! Because as its made, shoteis are executed and frankly its just plain yummy. I have to agree with both, the name and the critique. Thanks Rey.
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Our Connections

As I was perusing my facebook friends, I took a quick glance over to the friends its suggests. I started to see that many of these people and myself had several mutual friends in common. This is the default of facebook, and for the most part it suggests people you are connected to in some way. I scrolled over some of the names and was pleasantly surprised over and over again how I was connected to completely diverse groups of people, whose connection seemed to be knowing me. What it brought home was that we are all connected in some way, even when you think you aren’t.