Music and writing

My writing headphones

When I write I listen to music. It’s just the way my brain works. I have no explanation for it except that I think it must engage one side of my brain and silence the censor that tells me I am insane for even thinking about jumping into this writing life. I have tried writing without music, and while I can do it, I feel that its an upward slog as I do it and this is on the good days.

The other method I use( although with my current winter being brutal I have refrained from this too much) is going to the local starbux and writing there. I enjoy the white noise of the conversation and the ambient sound of conversation.  However most times they play horrendous music for writing, or at least for my writing.

So I found a solution and if you enjoy music you will thank me. I was able to get this pair of headphones which work perfectly in starbux. They cancel out noise just enough and the sound quality is superb. I don’t use them at home too often because I need to be able to hear the impending catastrophes with the little ones and if I have them on it makes that near impossible. The upside is that the sound is so excellent that it is truly an immersive experience. I don’t need much volume because they are so clear. It makes a big difference to me when I write because in many cases the music I listen to becomes the backdrop to the scene I’m writing. I really need to think about screenwriting.

In any case you can check these out HERE. They are made by Bose which is a respected name in the sound business. I really recommend them not just for writing but for any music you enjoy.

Let me know what you use to listen to your music or movies. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave me a comment below. Dont forget to join the nascent novel nation and subscribe to the newsletter! I will appreciate it.blogdragonfly

2 thoughts on “Music and writing”

  1. Hi Orlando, just me dropping by from ASMSG to say ‘hi’! Your blog looks fabulous. I love this article about music. It can certainly drive one’s creative muse that’s for sure. Keep up the great work, love from Australia.

    1. Hello Susan!
      Thank you for dropping by!
      Thank you for the compliment it took a bit of learning to get the blog up to speed. I strongly believe that music is central to my writing. My books are usually movies in my mind and the music is the soundtrack driving it all.
      Please join my email list ( the snazzy box on the right in red!) if you haven’t already.
      It was great hearing from you.

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