Five Reasons to Exercise


I recently joined a local gym after many years of not being in one(long ago I used to be a personal trainer).  I was focused on my kettlebell  work and had reached a plateau. So I opted for a gym which meant getting up at 4am and travelling 30 mins to this facility. I recruited my son in this adventure of gym going because if I’m going to get up at 4 its only fitting to share the wonder of being up before dawn. I get the impression he doesn’t see it as wondrous as I do. Right O?

So we meet at the gym at 5 am and get to work. Yes, it takes me about 20 minutes to fully wake up get sorted and out the door. Another 30 minutes has me at the door of the gym(I walk there at least now while its not freezing). A five minute wait has me inside the facility where I claim one of the power racks.

I’m currently using the stronglifts 5×5 program until the weights get too heavy for the program. The key is to use a program that works for you. So here are the five things I have learned about exercise:

  1. Its better to exercise with someone.

One of the things that makes getting up that early easier is knowing that you are training with someone.  Also its a great form of accountability, especially on those days when you dont want to get out of bed. You know your training partner will be waiting for you and you make sure you honor that commitment. It creates a strong bond and a mental discipline which is a direct result of the training.

2. It gives your day (and your brain) a boost.

No matter what time of the day you train exercise is a mood changer. I prefer to train in the morning because the gym gets packed after a certain time, but I also enjoy starting the day with training because my entire day is energized. I find my thoughts to be sharper and tackle my day with intention.

3. I dont get sick as easily or often.

I dont get sick often but when I do its usually seasonal. At the change of summer to fall it can be brutal. This year has been different. I felt a cold coming on but unlike previous years where it would last for a week this time it only lasted for a day or two. I feel this is a direct result of the exercise.

4. The small accomplishments in getting stronger impact your entire life.

On the stronglifts 5×5 program if you can complete a 5×5 set you go up in weight. The increments are five pounds which doesn’t seem like a lot initially. However over the course of a few weeks those five pound increments add up. The good thing about going up in small increments is that it makes increasing weight attainable. This also impacts other parts of my life. Small measurable goals lead to a sense of progress which lead to taking on and doing more in life. Each goal met leads to a feeling of success which in turn leads to the creation of more goals. It becomes a virtuous circle.

5.It feels awesome.

There has never been a training day where I left the gym and regretted training. Each and every time I train despite the hardships and the difficulty of getting up early to move ungodly weight I always feel fantastic afterwards. It was the same way when I was swinging the kettlebells and now with free weights the feeling ( and weight) has intensified. My sessions are only three times a week for an hour and a half each day. Those ninety minutes each day make a huge impact on the rest of my karate training.

I strongly urge you to take up some form of exercise that pushes you out of any comfort zone you may be currently inhabiting. These are my five reasons what are yours?

I really enjoy hearing from you let me know why you exercise or why you dont. Leave me a comment. If you have any questions about the program I’m currently using send me a comment and I can give you more information.blogdragonfly

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